Our beliefs and the focus of our teaching is dispensational in nature. We believe all of the Bible is for us, but not all of the Bible is to us. As such, we focus on the teaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery. It was the Apostle Paul who was called to be the Apostle of the Gentiles, and it is in his writings that we find specific instructions for us today as revealed by the risen Lord, Jesus Christ.
Like Moses and all the prophets in the "Old Testament" who had a specific message to the Nation of Israel, God gave the Apostle Paul a specific message to the Gentiles and Jews during this present dispensation, called the Revelation of the Mystery (Rom. 16:25). This particular teaching is based on "rightly dividing" the Word of Truth — whereby we can, without fail, find exactly where we are in God's plan for mankind and eternity.
We live in a most wonderful time! God, in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ at the cross, has provided for all mankind, without distinction, the opportunity to secure one's own personal salvation — by grace alone! It is a personal decision that has eternal repercussion. God is willing that none perish, and He is long suffering toward that end.
Please feel free to contact our pastor, or come by for worship services and talk with anyone from the church in person. We would be happy to discuss your church needs.
See you next Sunday or Wednesday!
Our History . . .
Grace Bible Fellowship Church started in 1972 with Pastor Byron Richardson in his home.
...1973 We started meeting in the South Venice Fire Department.
...1974 We moved to Bridge Studio on Venice Avenue and Incorporated on September 10th.
...1976 We moved to Nokomis where we dedicated our new church with approximately 40 members.
...1978 Lenart Anderson became our pastor after 16 years of missionary work in Zaire.
...1986 Pearl Picket became pastor after retiring as a professor at Grace Bible College.
...1987 Pastor Louis Menge became pastor. He advertised himself as the "Willin' Fill'In".
...1989 Pastor Doug Hadley
...1997 Pastor Elvin Myers
...2005 We were blessed to have been able to purchase, renovate and move into our new building at
our present location.
...2013 Pastor Elvin Myers retired and Pastor Ed Bedore accepted the call to Pastor.
...2017 Pastor Ed Bedore retired and Pastor Don Hosfeld began his ministry at our church.
...2023 Pastor Hosfeld accepted a position with Berean Bible Society in Wisconsin as editor of the Berean Searchlight.
...2023 Matt Ash, of Colorado, accepted the position as Pastor at our church.