October 9, 2022
Eternal Security.
December 1, 2021
Is faith a gift from God? Is faith a work? With so many different doctrines, there is no wonder why some doubt if they have or ever had saving faith. This study looks at what faith is and what we have to have faith in to be saved.
September 29, 2021
This study looks at what saved meant for the Jew and how it differs from the Body of Christ. We also show from the scripture that Judas was destined for eternal punishment and not the Kingdom.
March 21, 2021
For many, knowing the full assurance of salvation is not a reality. Today’s message addresses why there is much confusion and answers from scripture how a person can know with certainty where they stand with God.
October 11, 2020
As old as sin itself, so too is the question “How to be Right with God.” God desires all to be saved and have that relationship restored. Today’s message clarifies how we can all have peace with God – how to be right with Him.
August 16, 2020
God desires and offers peace, but man expects to be able to have it on his own terms. What are God’s conditions for peace? Will there ever be peace on earth, and if so, how and when?
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